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  1. Dielectric Constant 1kHz -2.6 1MHz-2.4
  2. ,,,go to Picks>Pick Face and... ,,,go to Loft>make 0.25>
  3. It's still simple, I don't know why you don't understand...!!!???
  4. Conector SMA(mini) sma mic.cst
  5. ,,,,all are 10mm..!!!
  6. 120x180 mm-reflector...distance=90mm
  7. I no longer have this file...!!!
  8. I think it's possible, try it...!!!
  9. ,,,,maybe, but simulations need to be done...!!!
  10. Anyway, these dimensions I gave you must be verified by simulation.
  11. ...the first image is for the (central) frequency of 2600 MHz (in red) and the second for the (central) frequency of 2100 MHz
  12. This is not what your tray looks like above....!!!
  13. Yes, I think this would be a solution...!!!
  14. What is this new decision?