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antena smc pacman circular mimo my idea

42 posts in this topic
50 minutes ago, Admin said:

Acri brother, please excuse me that I did not pay too much attention to this type of MiMo antenna, but now I think this is the best option...


this is my first pacman mimo antenna ....
posting on the forum is my idea so i can save the material but generate mimo antenna

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40 minutes ago, Admin said:

,,,,something like that...


I never made a thing like this but I never photographed because my smartphone was stolen

but now I focus on making my own antennas, but there's a word "plagiarized" ;)

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On 13.01.2018 at 11:01 PM, Admin said:

And all these lies are ...



Hi! J**my! Judging by the picture, it is from the LAN23 forum =) And you can give a link to that page, I would be very grateful. Or the full dimensions of the antenna. Because in the picture, not all sizes are indicated (

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,,,hi buddy...!!!

,,, and yet, what dimensions are missing ...?

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On 14.12.2020 at 9:48 AM, Admin said:

,,,hi buddy...!!!

,,, and yet, what dimensions are missing ...?

Hi, how far from the edge of the "patch" is the cable soldered?

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,,, to put in the focus of a parabolic offset...


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Off course it is CIRCULAR POLARIZATION , the only path left for the energy to conduct due to the sector CUT OUT

Andrew  Screw the pooch sometimes and he NEVER correct himself...(delete comments that  contradict him , even if they ARE RIGHT)

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,,, yes, I think this topic was discussed on a forum...offset helicoidal parabolic antenna....radio vorticity:


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On 20/7/2018 at 10:18 PM, Admin said:

,,,,something like that...


Hi Guys, Why not one on top each other as gnss antennas. I mean, to make more compact this idea?

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On 19/11/2023 at 6:12 PM, tomasbj said:

Hi Guys, Why not one on top each other as gnss antennas. I mean, to make more compact this idea?

Each one has a 90 degrees orthogonal difference . Polarization is the same but Phase is 90 degrees off ...

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Looks like each one receives a different pol- at different timing...

p1000677.jpg Anti-phase it seems

LHCP and RHCP...

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