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About clanon

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  1. PORT ISN'T THERE , dangling (not touching metal on BOTH SIDES) or wrong port...CHECK WARNINGS
  2. Different SOLVERS give Different Center Frequency (Frequency vs Time Solvers)
  3. thinking about 15dbi or more by adding a reflector...Sectorial...
  4. could any of you post a stl stp file ? (cst2019)
  5. DIELECTRICS usually , radome adhesives...All add up in this case sustracts...
  6. 10 db is when losses are at minimum for both Spillover and illumination...
  7. I think he means -6 db lobe pattern guarantees good efficiency for shallow dishes (with -4 loss at the border)
  8. The shape of the main LOBE IIRC at -6 db affects efficiency...
  9. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19670009367/downloads/19670009367.pdf
  10. narrow band apparently
  11. Looks like you have a resonance , DEEP, at 2.8... try making the whole Yagi 1.16 times bigger...
  12. FR4 version...not so good...High losses and some mismatch , lower gain... fr4.dxf
  13. Feed line on FR4 needs to be THINNER 5 mm or less...to get 50 ohms...
  14. 1.5 mm distance between sides (Feed Line)