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About clanon

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  1. How does the FEED point looks...? it should be be wider band...
  2. That's the COMPLICATED EXPENSIVE approach...BUT it achieves MODULAR SHIELDING of different sections (LNA , RECEIVERS , Local OSCILLATORS , Power supplies , Filters , Switches etc)
  3. Yup , EMI shield (Faraday CAGE) aluminum (copper or brass is better) container without interruptions (heat dissipation should be considered) and GROUNDED to GND
  4. It's known as a BAZOOKA balun
  5. Open side pointing up (the direction of the Energy you DON'T want coming through the Shield of Coaxial) imho The confussion comes from the rubber duckie pointing DOWN (open end) cause it is ACTING as a Quarter wave and ground plane to obtain a HALF WAVE dipole...
  6. ENA-2135-RGB X band.pdf
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20070827000210/http://www.xaviervl.com/Antenne/Colinear/index.html
  8. XLS Excel dimensions for wifi colineaire.xls
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20050121044720/http://reseaucitoyen.be:80/index.php?ColineairePourLesNuls
  10. that error is related to SOLVER choice and MESH size...(either reduce mesh size or try TLM solver Time domain)
  11. 5ghz band at 5 km gonna need some REAL EFFORT (Sector antennas and Power-sensitivity on AP)
  12. https://www.scielo.br/j/jmoea/a/5RBXvnGygJNrS8LCHSCdFLJ/