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Everything posted by Admin

  1. ,,, this Remo antenna, exists on the forum, in the form of SiSo...!!! ,,,you can attach two such antennas to increase the antenna gain...!!!
  2. ,,, это не может ... это должно работать ... !!! «Сегодня я могу закончить с AX-2017..!!!
  3. ,,, what does Antex AX-2014 antenna look like inside ... ???
  4. ,,,, okay, but the AX-2020P antenna is a very good wide band antenna ....!!! ,,, if you have such an antenna, you could give some dimensions to it ... ??? !!!
  5. ,,,, спасибо, дорогой друг ... !!!
  6. ,,,and these may be some dimensions closer to reality....!!!
  7. and this is the difference between the Gelan 3G 18 and the Antex AX-2017P... https://vk.com/videos-59055554?z=video-59055554_456239017%2Fclub59055554%2Fpl_-59055554_-2
  8. These are the dimensions for a MiMo 4G(2,6GHz) AX-2014 antenna... „, and this is a practical achievement, without sma ports, the supply being made by coaxial cable...
  9. ,,, the drawing presented by me is informative, you are waiting to complete the simulation ... !!!
  10. ,,,and I do not understand what you mean, show some pictures ...!!!!
  11. so are made antenna with circular patches.... ,,,from...http://give-all.biz/articles/samdel/samodelnaya-antenna-analog-obluchatelya-bester
  12. Yes, it is...!!! ,,,this it"s the best...
  13. ,,,on this forum it's with 3 directors...the best,,,!!!
  14. ,,,where did you find that ... ??? ,,,or read this...http://www.mweda.com/cst/cst2013/mergedProjects/CST_PARTICLE_STUDIO/special_overview/special_overview_waveguideover.htm
  15. ,,,well, then on this site you find everything that interests you ... !!!
  16. Well, but my double-biquad antenna should be about 14-15dBi...!!!
  17. ,,,hard disk platter can be reuse it, but I think only for the biquad antenna, as a reflector ,,,rubber duck antennas it is easy to disassemble, slightly heated...!!
  18. I don't quite understand what you mean....!!! Я не совсем понимаю, что вы имеете в виду....!!!