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Everything posted by clanon

  1. yagi

    WHAT CABLE is THAT...?
  2. PCB = High LOSS USE any FULL METAL antenna... use a mástil build it down inside and RAISE it with a POLE How FAR is the BASE antenna...city Kilometers....?
  3. Where is the ZERO point in SPACE (REAL AIR or Vacuum)...?
  4. ...SO....? you can make ANY point your point of origin ...translating the WCS... CHOOSE any point and make it! Point zero
  5. i could save on the other formats drawing only... TRY to IMPORT from 3d Yagi 3 formats.rar dont't forget if you don't adapt to 50 ohms USE 300 Ohms port... (or build the adaptor of 125 ohms) not easy...
  6. is a 2020 file you can't open it with an older version
  7. 50 ohms to 300 ohms (ALLFOLDED DIPOLES) quarter wave transformer 123 ohms (125)
  8. i think i'm close...2.3ghz is not showing REMEMBER to use a 300 ohms port yagi.cst
  9. i'll try with a 300Ohms port and see ...
  10. you're RIGHT ...i was tweaking and fiddling with it...trying to get the S11 right....(closer to the measurements...) i think that the cylinder thing helps widen the band...and NOT sure about the port distance (dipole gap) dont forget the IMPEDANCE MATCH with 125ohms quarter wave...
  11. i build a model...check it ou...(didn't like the resonances...small S11) yagi.cst
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2DBpXQ6_mA best i could do...NOT to scale!!!
  13. i`ll search the file...
  14. A balanced feeding structure, shown in Figure 1, consists of two shorting pins and two feeding coax cables. The two coax lines are placed along the centerline of the radiating patch and are located at a distance of S/2 from the center of the patch. The outer part of the feeding coax cable is connected to one arm of the dipole (yellow circle in Figure 1) and the inner part connected to the other arm of the dipole (red circle in Figure 1). With two shorting pins connecting to the inner part of the feeding coax, good isolation between the two ports is achieved.
  15. Is called a SHORT pin ..cause it does that... SHORTcircuits the antenna... to GND
  16. I see TWO resonances...one at 750Mhz and the other at 1500Mhz... and a third (weaker)at 1900mhz or so...
  17. it's a BALANCED antenna (symmetrical HALFs) it NEEDs a balun 1:1 if you're close to 50 ohms and 4:1 if you get close to 200ohms
  18. W key and double click (align WCS) at the right point and angle. then make that distance the port length (a little more does not harm) SELECT port on the left panel and TRANSLATE (rotate) etc
  19. it means that the FRECUENCY range choosed is too small , set it from 2 to 3 ghz the PEC thing doesn't matter much...is the MESH or check for INTERSECTIONS (interferences between solids)
  20. nope , you need at least 6 patches and flaps...for that
  21. which one the 8 patches (16db without flaps) or the 6 patches , you need...?
  22. Lan23 guys tried that...(i did ) Fa20 Patches doesn't like DIRECTORS...reactivity and diagram goes "ape shit crazy" this is the best i could do...16 dbi on 6 or 8 patches (20 cm by 18) quarter FA20
  23. Raytron 16dbi & 19dbi mod Hi , guys it would be nice if some generous soul simulate this one... The original is 6 elements over 0.787 ptfe , 2.1 dielectric constant... (Фольгированные материалы фирмы NELTEC (Франция) NELTEC — новое название фирмы METCLAD. Материалы предназначены для использования в качестве подложек в СВЧ-устройствах. Материалы имеют нормированную диэлектрическую постоянную, низкий уровень диэлектрических потерь и уменшенную толщину слоя меди. Основные параметры: Толщина диэлектрика: 0.127, 0.254, 0.508, 0.762, 0.787, 1.270, 1.524, 1.575, 3.175 мм Диэлектрическая проницаемость (на частоте 10 ГГц): 2.17 Panel_16dBi.pdf
  24. 13dbi HERE:https://martybugs.net/wireless/biquad/double.cgi (one of those and a HALF ,1.5 dBi more = 14.5dbi)