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Everything posted by eco32

  1. How is it made? i know coaxial COCO only : (reasembling 1800MHz antenna to 1296MHz
  2. 1296MHz, previous tests have shown that the antenna also works on the higher bands. I will take two on the VNA and do an S12 between them, then we will know what it looks like. 6xbiqod project has name "MATHYLDE"
  3. Balun has also possibilites be a filter, I wants to do it this way. (it is possible that in the middle of the gap there should be a short circuit to ground on one side)
  4. a)New aproach, converting biquad to biloop, not tested yet quick and careless soldering b)Four biqads for array, eventually there will be six (I have 1:6 powe combiner, thats why six)
  5. thats ~20dBi 920mmx740mm 1296MHz, adequat Yagi will have 4m boom other pictures: https://www.wifi-antennas.com/topic/102-simple-dipole-antenna/?page=2#comment-20589 thats good?
  6. 920 cm pacyfic grid atenna with dipole (with coaxial splited balun and one reflector) wil gove You 19-22dBi, adequat Yagi will be 2m long and and should be carried out with great precision (+/- 0.1mm) add: thats the solution from Slovakia
  7. from documents:"Wideband quasi‐Yagi antenna with stable radiation patterns for base‐station applications" and "A Novel Wideband Quasi-Yagi Antenna for Base-station Applications" > simulated gain ranges from 8.0 dBi to 9.8 dBi in the operating band. that is same gain as in simple biquad but a simpler design.
  8. Solution rarely used, reduces sidelobs, separates from interfering signals, should not affect VSWR, may narrow main beam. Do you use or have seen this?
  9. @Admin {,,,this construction is a bit wrong, mcNeill doesn't really do good things...!!!} McNeil, He performs titanic antsy work in making phantoms, but do not fully understand it, for example, phase shifters are called load coil, and so on and so on... {,,,on this forum there is such a dipole in the correct construction...!!!!} HAMs do not know it, I have not yet seen any HAMs construction with the use of this type of matcher/balun. Most popular is this one: This is material for a separate topic, LTE/Wifi antennas rarely have a balun.
  10. Thank You, colecting materials ongoing.
  11. @Admin This is amazing, this ring makes no obfuscation effect. The feed on the 1296MHz is usually large, and here it works as in an ofset antenna. I have not seen such a design before. BTW, Are You doing EME?
  12. @Admin in my opinion, this antenna can be more efficient than a biquad, I would be happy to make such an antenna for 1296Mhz if you are willing to simulate and provide dimensions. I will compare with biquod made in same technic.
  13. Only few types of the antennas dont need a impedance adapters. The others will have a high loss. Do they have good results without this? The results will be adequate for the price.
  14. Yagi

    Need more than 17dBi? You have to build antenna 10*Lambda boom, You nedd 20dBi than yo have to use Yagi with 20*lambda boom lenght, or try grid or parabola 10*lambda radius will give aprox. 30dBi
  15. Yagi

    @Jeriyant: What is the impedance and did you use a balun?
  16. https://www.youtube.com/@mul_onochannel1569/videos
  17. No one did it with biquad
  18. once again: Dipole has oposit phase on the arms, biquad has same phase on the both ends, trick with phase shiter will not work here.
  19. Simple in mtlab:
  20. The manufacturer touts that the antenna does not have sidelobes, I wonder whether conical corrugated horn or piramydal corrugatted horn is better, We have only this for 5180 - 6775MHz 24dBi:
  21. update: It may be r movet to other topic Lna works better with filter - Quick and eassy tunable filter for a 2.4GHz, You can eaasy adat for You purpose (I dit biger, and can be tunable from 800MHz to 3.6GHz and 1.7dB in band attenuation) https://radio.g4hsk.co.uk/2020/01/04/qo-100-experiments-2400mhz-pipe-cap-filter/
  22. https://radio.g4hsk.co.uk/2020/01/04/qo-100-experiments-2400mhz-pipe-cap-filter/
  23. Yes, Thank You!!!, it looks like his cross biquad/biloop has 8dBi isted of 10dB from single biquod, without e-field chart it's hard to tell if it's circular polarization in this design there are no phase shifters. In my opinion it has linear polatisation. (I don't have to be right, maybe there is something going on there that I have no idea about) Just only for Example: S-band circularly polarized crossed dipole antenna for automotive applications