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Vinni Puh

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Everything posted by Vinni Puh

  1. In Russia, I do not plan to show the full video ... Competitors are watching ,I'm not going to facilitate their tasks....
  2. Вам понравится , он будет на новинку от "бестер" и новизна меня.. You'll like it , it will be a novelty from "Bester" and the novelty of me ..
  3. Привет . Я планирую на вас на форуме, чтобы показать свою идею , основанную на антенну от "бестер" . Электронная часть полностью, я покажу только здесь. Video on YouTube will be neutered Hey . I plan on you on the forum to show my idea based on the bester antenna. The electronic part is complete, I will show Only here. Video on YouTube will be neutered
  4. I'm waiting for components for the system lte1800, which in Russia to publicly show 8 months is not planned.... Here, in 2-3 weeks I will show (link will be for this forum only) . It will be interesting to hear the opinion admin
  5. Так и знал... Сложность перевода
  6. Me, what ... change account on Woody Woodpecker : )))
  7. If you can not, it does not mean that others can not
  8. Why delete a topic? You are a wimp...you can not do anything against it
  9. Что значит "неважно"? Вы хотите работать в ЛТР 2700 антенну для вай-фай at 2400 ? Good luck to you...At long distances
  10. Show more? Or is it enough ? :)))
  11. Or it will help you :))
  12. если вопрос ЛТЕ на 1800 МГц,then with small losses it is necessary . Best option as I do .
  13. Чем ниже частота, тем ниже коэффициент усиления смещение параболы The lower the frequency, the lower the gain the parabola offset
  14. I do not do graphics, but more practice and do not advise at such high frequencies 4G to use 75 Ohm