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About dumser2

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  1. Made in a hurry but it works, it could be improved but... Help me set it to 2.35Mhz
  2. Unfortunately, I already gave the antenna away.
  3. You can share your file on 2.4MHz frequency
  4. What needs to be changed to make it work at 2350MHz?
  5. Okay, but I need it for 2.35MHz. What is the diameter of the rings now? Yes, drop the file CST
  6. Yes, I didn't calculate the diameter correctly. I took the wavelength as the diameter, but I probably need the circumference.
  7. The diameter of the rings is 122mm, the platinum is 122mm, but it is FR4 without metallization. Required frequency 2.35GHz Biquad.cst
  8. Recommend an omnidirectional, circularly polarized antenna with a gain of more than 8 dBi Would this option be suitable?
  9. S1.1 is out of range
  10. So far, these are the results
  11. Is there any example of how to connect it correctly?
  12. I seem to be doing something wrong. Can you still reset the cst file?