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Everything posted by Admin

  1. ,,,but the best solution is this...!!!
  2. ,,,it has the wings not inclined...???
  3. ,,,the antenna is powered by the SMA port...???
  4. Yes, it can be ... !!!
  5. I think it would be better...
  6. ", another stupid thing said by the fake author...https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=460625&st=16940
  7. I'm working on it now...!!!
  8. ,,,you have to wait for a new simulation at the 2,442GHz central frequency>>>!!!
  9. I think this is a good shape of the colander antenna...
  10. BatWing Release v2...
  11. I think the best is aluminum...!!!
  12. Yes, it might, but I have to check these...!!1 ,,,something like that ... ???
  13. These are the better dimensions... ,,,those in the above images are ellipses...!!!
  14. Distance of 35-40 km away, and You need to use dish satellite Internet. Distance in the range of 10-35 km. As the experience of the specialists , in the presence of simple relief was able to establish the 3G Internet on the distance of 30-33 km (plate with a diameter of 60-90 cm with the irradiator type AX-2000 Offset, speed up to 6 Mb/s) and 23-25 km (4G LTE2600 with the 1.2 meter dish and feedhorn AX-2600 Offset mimo, speed about 10 Mb/s). If the terrain is not too favorable (from Fresnel zone remains 60%), then you can try to use a complex antenna design or repeater, and catch the nearest 3G operator. On the use of repeaters and increase the range of reception there is a good review article on the website of RIPE. Distance 5 to 10 km is Possible to use 3G, if you will relief. Distance less than 5 km from one operator. Possible to use 3G and maybe 4G. You are in the coverage area of several operators. The choice of the operator determined by the cell tower, which gives you the most powerful signal. On the limitation range. Here is a quote from the article on the website of RIPE. With regard to the maximum distance to BS, which can be achieved using a repeater or an external antenna, then it is not so simple. Theoretically, the radio on high and ultra-high frequencies in the line of sight is limited by curvature of the earth, and the use of elevation or antenna installed on the mast, you can achieve a range of 100 km But the range is specifically limited to the equipment of BS. As we have said, the maximum range of a GSM voice connection is limited to 35 km. When communicating via digital protocols when access to the network the Internet restriction of the range even more. According to the materials of the forums , range of protocols for high-speed 3G/UMTS is limited to 10 km. on the other hand, there are reports on the forums about the achievement of a range of Internet connection speed protocols up to 15 and even up to 40 km, the real exchange rate, however, not disclosed.
  15. ,,, you're in error...!!!
  16. ,,,wrong...!!
  17. ,, you can do that ...??? ,,,with this...
  18. ,,,yah...!!! ,,,for 2442 MHz ..??
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwMsUICo8jc&t=27s
  20. ,,,these are other types...!!!
  21. yagi

    This antenna can also be made with a rectangular patches... And simulation of CST... New folder (5).zip
  22. ,,,for which this site is ranked second place... !!! https://www.top20sites.com/top-wifi-antenna-sites https://uhf-satcom.com/blog/patch_antenna https://michailvishnevsky.com/bazovye-domashnie-reczepty-s-chagoj/ https://crabgrass.riseup.net/chennaimeshnetworkcommunity/tutorial-designing-directional-antennas http://qrz.by/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=10338 https://vrtp.ru/index.php?showtopic=32103&st=0 https://www.qsl.net/va3iul/Antenna/Wire Antennas for Ham Radio/Wire_antennas_for_ham_radio.htm http://jcoppens.com/ant/qfh/calc.en.php https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/freq-2016-0321/html https://www.lan23.ru/forum/node/1097?t=2060 https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6290375 https://satlex.de/en/fdratio-params.html?diam=90&depth=1 https://rutracker.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=1087