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About mompmop

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  1. Here you go: Panel Vodkaman.cst
  2. ...and Optimizer gets error:
  3. Possibly this in 2019 ?
  4. I tried to follow admin tutor ----> Optimize in CST.doc But could not find this in CST 2019:
  5. Where is the S-Parameter (0D) option?
  6. Need correction on cone height, it can't be 90mm.
  7. GPU Computing Guide.pdf page 14 This Character:
  8. Silly, I copy pasted the text from the manual to environment variables and they miss the "_" character..... Now the simulation running faster...........
  9. Hello Administrator, I'm newbie, Is there a way to force use "Hardware Acceleration" ? I already tried add to Windows Environment Variables the "CSTHWACCALLOWUNVERIFIEDHARDWARE" Value=1 , like the manual said. But my GTX 1060 is not use by CST. Cheers.