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About Ecdarck

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  1. May i know what tools/equipment use to cut the work peace ... ?
  2. Ok. Thanks in advance..
  3. Admin May i have this also.. ?
  4. Is it possible to be a MIMO?
  5. Nice one Admin ?? Thank you for this. Even it's hard for me to do that with accurate measurements. thanks for your effort. I'll try to make this one.
  6. Can i use electric fan grill cover as reflector? Is it possible?
  7. This is the common parabolic antenna and highly recommended at my country.. but due to its expensive price, i can't get one..
  8. Thanks Clanon, That's exactly the frequency. So if parabolic type is the best antenna for my need, Can you help me make low cost one??
  9. LTE, UMTS, GSM are supported , but my focus is on LTE BAND 3
  10. Thank you Admin.. Waiting with excitement..
  11. I think, i can. May i have the dimensions?
  12. Good day I am from Philippines and hopping that you help me to make a design for an easy made outdoor antenna for my modem huwei b315s-936 with a band 3 (1.8ghz) frequency, with a distance of around 20km to the cell tower.