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About Kledi

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  1. Hi, i want to build this antenna, but measurements are difficult for me, can someone draw the dipoles in dxf file?
  2. Can this antenna work into a dish?
  3. Hi, can someone explain me what Is the "short-pin" on this antenna?
  4. Can we have a mimo 1800-2600 feed offset antenna please ?
  5. Can we have the dimension of this mimo antenna?
  6. Thanks, Can we have the lte1800 dimensions? Im Building the 2nd dish
  7. Thank you! I have only 1mm galvanized steel, Will It work? I cant find 0.5mm here in my town
  8. Yes admin this is the offset antenna dimension, watch the first page..
  9. Dimensions are not clear here, reflector to the first patch 4mm.. reflector to the 2nd patch 6mm.. so from the 1st patch to the 2nd patch only 2 mm? it's seems more
  10. Thanks for the reply, Whysome antennas have driven element isolated from the reflector like the batwing and some other models not?
  11. Hello guys, thanks for this amazing forum, im in antennas since 1 year but i have some questions! Antennas like this, are all grounded? I mean if i put the multimeter to check the conductivity, there is conductivity from the main patch to the reflector, or they are isolated? I need to build an antenna feed for 2.6ghz lte to put it on my off-set dish, and also a 1.8ghz.. thanks in advance