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Dual band antenna

HailSat es-2 will first provide Geostationary Amateur radio in the range of S and X.
the Transponders have wide beam antennas that provide full coverage for about one third of the earth's surface.
The linear transponder will simultaneously operate up to 90 SSB stations.
Digital transponder about three stations, depending on the form of a band DVB-S signal.

Linear transponder S/X:
Band 250 kHz SSB/CW
Uplink 2400.050-2400.300 MHz RHCP (right hand circular polarization)
Downlink 10489.550-10489.800 MHz LVP (linear vertical polarization)

Digital transponder S/X:
Band 8 MHz DVB-S
Uplink 2401.500-2409.500 MHz RHCP (right hand circular polarization)
Downlink 10491.000-10499.000 MHz LHP (horizontal linear polarization)


This antenna it"s 10GHz linear feed horn combined with 2.4GHz circular  patch for Es'hailSat2 on a parabolic dish


DemkEO2WkAEk67K (1).jpg



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"after this simulation, I will try to improve and the 10GHz frequency...



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